KWG Senftenberg

Prefab in 3D

Two-dimensionality as a barrier to façade painting? Not for us. Using the trompe-l’œil (French: ‘deceive the eye’) technique, we use illusionistic painting to accentuate architectural styles. In Senftenberg we revived two modernised prefab buildings with a futuristic cube ensemble in fresh blue and green tones – a tribute to the crystal-clear water of nearby Lake Senftenberg and the future of the region as a popular recreational area.



Design, Implementation

BX Design-Award

“When designing the 3D-illusion concept, we quickly agreed with the owner that we didn’t want to mask the original character of the prefab building. On the contrary, we wanted to make its unique character, which had been lost through thermal insulation, visible again. The design therefore emphasises the individual slabs and turns them into spatial elements.”

Erik Mahnkopf, Chief Creative Officer

“For realisation of the 3D illusion in Senftenberg, we developed a flexible system based on the actual measurements in order to precisely transfer the design onto the façade.”

Philipp Dümcke, Technical Coordination


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Guben | Rear windows

GUWO Rear window On a windowless gable, we reproduced the design of the building’s street-facing façade, supplemented by portraits of well-known personalities of the town