Museum Barberini
The world’s biggest invitation
When Potsdam’s new Museum Barberini opened its doors in 2017, it announced the event with two large-scale murals in Berlin – implemented by GRACO Berlin’s façade-painting experts. Showing two impressionistic paintings from the museum’s collection, the murals served as gigantic invitations to the opening. Even Bill Gates and Angela Merkel showed up! Well okay … they might have come anyway.
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Minden | Revitalising a housing estate
Wohnhaus Minden GmbH Revitalising a housing estate Inspired by modern townhouses, the long, monotonous façades were segmented to give the impression of individual houses. Each
KaDeWe | Timeless elegance at KaDeWe
Kadewe Group GmbH Timeless elegance at KaDeWe In Berlin’s most prestigious department store, we designed and implemented a 400 sqm ceiling and wall painting on
Stralsund | Maritime modernism
WBG Volkswerft, Stralsund Maritime modernism The revitalisation of old prefab buildings is one of our specialities. In Stralsund we didn’t use colours, patterns and trompe-l’œil